{:ga}Diancheardlann Oiliúna Clown Through Mask{:}{:en}Intensive Training Workshop Clown Through Mask {:}

  /  Uncategorized   /  {:ga}Diancheardlann Oiliúna Clown Through Mask{:}{:en}Intensive Training Workshop Clown Through Mask {:}

{:ga}Aisteoirí i gCathair agus i gContae na Gaillimhe!

Tá ríméad ar Fíbín agus ar Oifig Ealaíne Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe tionscnamh nua a fhógairt, a thabharfaidh oiliúint ghairmiúil saor in aisce d’aisteoirí i gCo. na Gaillimhe.

Diancheardlann oiliúna 6 lá é Clown Through Mask faoi threoir Veronica Coburn. Rachaidh an ceardlann chun tairbhe ní hamháin dóibh siúd a bhfuil suim acu in ealaín an bhobaide, ach d’aon duine a bhfuil suim acu i léiriú, agus úsáid shonrach á bhaint as maisc mar bhealach ar leith agus bealach nua chun tabhairt faoin mbobaideacht.
Seo a leanas na sonraí:

Dátaí:  Dé Luain 4ú – Dé Sathairn 9ú Nollaig san áireamh (6 lá)
Ionad: Seanscoil Sailearna, Indreabhán, Co. na Gaillimhe

Amanna: 10r.n – 1.30i.n & 2.30i.n – 4.30i.n gach lá

Táille: Tá tacaíocht faighte ag an tionscnamh seo ó Oifig Ealaíne Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe agus ó Fíbín ach iarrtar ar rannpháirtithe €20 a íoc i dtreo ábhair.

Iarratas a dhéanamh: Seol do CV agus léiriú spéise chuig fibinteo@gmail.com roimh Dé Luain 27 Samhain 2017.

Eolas: Déanfar an cúrsa trí Bhéarla. Gach eolas eile faoin gcúrsa anseo.

Nóta: Ní chuirfear lón ar fáil ach tá áiseanna cistine i Seanscoil Sailearna chomh maith le siopaí áitiúla a chuireann bia ar fáil ag am lóin.{:}{:en}Galway City and County Actors!

Fíbín and Galway County Council Arts Office are delighted to announce a new initiative to offer free professional training for actors in Galway county.

Clown Through Mask is a 6-day intensive training workshop led by Veronica Coburn. Clown Through Mask will benefit not just those who are interested in the art of clown but anyone who is interested in performance, with the specific use of mask as a unique and original way to approach clown.

Details as follows:

Dates:  Mon 4th – Sat 9th December 2017 inclusive (6 days)

Venue: Seanscoil Sailearna, Inverin, Co. Galway

Times: 10 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. & 2.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. daily

Fee: This is supported by Galway County Council Arts Office and Fíbín however participants are asked to contribute €20 towards materials.

Application:  Email your CV and expression of interest to fibinteo@gmail.com by Monday 27th November 2017.

Information: The course is in English. Full course description below.

Note: Food is not provided but there are kitchen facilities in Seanscoil Sailearna as well as local shops offering food at lunchtime.



Clown Through Mask is a unique and original way to approach clown. Devised by Richard Pochinko (1946 – 1989), Clown Through Mask draws from Native American (USA) & First Nation (Canada) societal clown and modern European performance clown (Lecoq) to provide a comprehensive system of work that articulates:


  • A function for the modern performance clown
  • A definition of clown theatre


And provides:


  • A cycle of exercises, The Building of a Personal Mythology,

to release the individual performer’s creativity

  • Performance exercises to allow students implement & practice

acquired skills


Clown is the most beautiful, magical and profound of art forms. Its form and function is easily articulated. The red nose is a mask. All masks have an inherent character, a master that must be served. The master of the neutral mask is corporeal economy and emotional honesty. The master of a full-face character mask is found in the contours of the clay. The task of the wearer is to release the character implied in the curve of a nose or the droop of an eyebrow. With half-face masks the wearer brings their skills as an actor to share the responsibility of articulation with the mask. And the red nose, the smallest mask in the world, articulates the character of the wearer. The clown.


Clown is about humanity, all 360 degrees of it. The clown’s function is to ensure collective survival by saying what needs to be said and doing what needs to be done. The clown’s tool is the clown’s own humanity – the clown’s experience. The clown’s modus operandi is play – the clown’s innocence. Good clown performance presents an audience with innocence underpinned by experience because innocence on its own is stupid and holds nothing for an adult audience. It is this critical lack of clarity regarding the function of clown that results in common misconceptions about the form.

Clown Through Mask is for anyone who is interested in the human condition. Clown Through Mask will benefit not just those who are interested in the art of clown but anyone who is interested in performance.

If we ever faced all directions of ourselves at once we could only laugh at the beauty of our own ridiculousness.

Veronica Coburn was a founder member of Barabbas Theatre Company – Ireland’s first dedicated physical theatre/clown company. She is the author of “Clown Through MaskThe Pioneering Work of Richard Pochinko as Practised by Sue Morrison”. Written in collaboration with Sue Morrison, it is published by Intellect Press.


Testimonials for Veronica Coburn:

“A great facilitator – who always seemed to understand what the group needed.”



 The perfect facilitator: calm, clear, unbiased, and yet forthright and passionate.”



“..incredibly smart and emotionally as well as creatively astute. I felt totally safe in her hands from start to finish.”


“Entirely sensitive to the group, its needs and always said the right thing when



“An expert facilitator.”

