{:ga}Ceardlann Forbairt Ghairmiúil d’Aisteoirí le Tim Crouch i gConamara 13-15 Lúnasa{:}{:en}Actor’s Professional Development Workshop with Tim Crouch in Connemara 13-15 August{:}

  /  Uncategorized   /  {:ga}Ceardlann Forbairt Ghairmiúil d’Aisteoirí le Tim Crouch i gConamara 13-15 Lúnasa{:}{:en}Actor’s Professional Development Workshop with Tim Crouch in Connemara 13-15 August{:}

{:ga}Ceardlann chun Aisteoirí a roghnú do Jeramee, Hartleby agus Oooglemore!

Tá ríméad ar Fíbín a fhógairt go bhfuil siad chun ceardlann a reáchtáil i gConamara faoi stiúir Tim Crouch, stiúrthóir Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore.

Tá saothar Tim do dhaoine fásta agus do dhaoine óga feicthe ar stáitsí mórthimpeall na cruinne. Chomh maith le bheith ag cumadh drámaí, tá ceardlanna múinte aige maidir le smaointe faoi lucht féachana, foirm agus insint.

Seo deis chun obair le Tim ar bhealaí praiticiúla agus teoiriciúla chun saothar a chumadh do dhaoine óga.   Tá an cheardlann seo dírithe ar aisteoirí gairmiúla a mbeadh suim acu páirt a ghlacadh sa seó agus roghnófar cliar don seó tar éis na ceardlainne. Beidh an seó ag dul ar camchuairt náisiúnta amach san fhómhar.

Seo a leanas na sonraí:

Dátaí: Dé Luain 13 – Dé Céadaoin 15 Lúnasa 2018

Ionad: Seanscoil Sailearna, Indreabhán, Co. na Gaillimhe

Iarratas a dhéanamh: Seol do CV agus grianghraf chuig fibinteo@gmail.com roimh 25 Iúil 2018

Le tacaíocht ó:

{:}{:en}Casting Call Workshop for Jeramee, Hartleby agus Oooglemore!

Fíbín are delighted to announce that we are running a 3 day workshop in Connemara with Tim Crouch, director of Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore.

Tim’s work for adults and young audiences has been seen on many stages around the world. Alongside his theatre-making, he has taught on workshops relating to ideas of audience, form and narrative.

Here is a chance to work with Tim on practical and theoretical approaches to making work for young people. This workshop is aimed at professional actors who would be interested in playing a role in the show and casting will be done after the workshop. The show will then go on a nationwide tour in the autumn.

Details as follows:

Dates: Monday 13 – Wednesday 15 August 2018

Venue: Seanscoil Sailearna, Inverin, Co. Galway

Application: Email your CV and headshot to fibinteo@gmail.com before 25 July 2018

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